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Time for some Updates

In the 11 years since Geology for Investors launched companies have come and gone, mines have closed and (rarely) opened, and scientific understanding has progressed. Over the last few weeks we’ve been making some updates to reflect these developments, starting with our oldest articles. Writing about these projects was somewhat random based on the news of the day so we’d like to think they represent a decent cross section of activity across the sector. What the reader might find interesting is how many projects, after 11 years have made little to no progress. There are a lot of rocks out there and very few gems, but it’s the gems that keep it interesting.

To summarize our updates so far:

Mines of Australia’s Bendigo Gold Fields

  • Updated to include Catalyst Metals recent significant gold discoveries (ie 6.5m @ 197.2g/t)
  • Several changes to ownership

Aluminum Deposits of North Queensland

  • Added figures
  • Added modern production stats

Kalgoorlie, Australia’s Largest Gold Producer

  • Updated to reflect current ownership

Donlin Gold Project, Alaska

  • Updated to include expanded resources and obstacles to development

Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) Deposits of Australia

  • Several ownership updates
  • Descriptions of formation processes and alteration styles updated to reflect new advances in geological understanding

Newman Todd Gold Property, Ontario

  • Updated to reflect current ownership, recent high-grade intercepts, and mining developments in the region
A large piece of visible gold in a quartz vein from the Newman Todd Property. Years of drilling have produced many high grade intercepts on the property.

San Jose Mine, Mexico

  • The mine is now expected to close later this year, although new discoveries may provide a lifeline
  • Added images

East Manhattan Wash Gold Project, Nevada

  • Updated to include results of 2014 drill program and new ownership
  • Added figures

Samapleu Nickel Copper Project, Ivory Coast

  • Updated to include new ownership
  • Added resources estimate and mining plans

Barisan Porhyry Belt, Indonesia

  • Updated with new drill results
  • Project appears to have been abandoned for unknown reasons


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